What to do if Firefox shows "Your Computer Clock is Wrong" error?

Set your system clock to the correct time
Time-related errors on secure websites caused by a skewed system clock can be resolved by setting your correct date, time and time zone. Change your date and time settings from the clock on the Windows taskbar or follow these instructions:

  1. Click the Windows Start button or press the Windows key Windows Key .
  2. In the Start menu, select Settings.
  3. In Settings, select Time & language.
  4. In the Date & time section you can review the current date and time settings. To change your settings click on Change below Change date and time or expand the Time zone dropdown menu.
    If your system is set to manage the time and time zone automatically, you cannot make manual changes.
  5. If you are done with your changes, close the Settings window.

Note: If the clock on your device constantly resets after you power it off, this might indicate that the battery cell that runs the real-time clock is getting low or is empty. Please consult your manufacturer's manual on how to replace the CMOS battery.

Contact the website owner
If you get a time related error on a secure website and you have already checked the correct settings of your system’s clock, please contact the owner of the website which you can’t access and inform him of the problem. The website owner might need to renew the expired certificate, for example.

If you encounter some difficulties following the steps above, considering you have already purchased Restoro or you are someone who is in need of assistance on your computer, please contact our support and they will be more than happy to assist you.

Email: support@restoro.com

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