How do I fix OPatch failed with error code 73?

  1. Review OPatch Logs:

    • Start by reviewing the OPatch log files to get more information about the specific error. OPatch usually generates log files with extension .log or .out. Look for these files in the directory where you executed OPatch.
  2. Check Patch Compatibility:

    • Ensure that the patch you are trying to apply is compatible with your Oracle software version and configuration. Oracle provides documentation and support notes specifying which patches are compatible with which Oracle product versions.
  3. Download the Correct Patch:

    • Make sure you've downloaded the correct patch from Oracle's official website. Using the wrong patch or a corrupted patch file can result in error code 73.
  4. Verify Patch Files:

    • After downloading the patch, verify its integrity by comparing its checksum with the one provided by Oracle. If the checksum doesn't match, download the patch again.
  5. Stop Oracle Services:

    • Before applying the patch, stop all Oracle services, including the database instance and any related services or listeners.

    • Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables are correctly set to point to your Oracle software installation and the specific database instance you're working with.
  7. Check Disk Space:

    • Verify that you have sufficient disk space available in the filesystem where Oracle is installed, as well as in any temporary directories used during patching.
  8. Backup the Oracle Home:

    • Before applying any patch, it's essential to back up your Oracle Home directory and the database. This provides a fallback option in case something goes wrong during the patching process.
  9. Run OPatch as Administrator:

    • If you're on a Windows system, make sure you run OPatch with administrative privileges.
  10. Check Prerequisites:

    • Ensure that all prerequisites for the patch have been met. Some patches require specific Oracle components or configurations to be in place before they can be applied.
  11. Apply the Patch in Staging Environment:

    • It's often a good practice to apply patches first in a staging or test environment before doing so in a production environment. This allows you to identify and resolve issues before impacting your production system.

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